
Why Return Condensate to the Boiler Operation


Steam is comprised of two types of energy; latent and sensible energy. When steam is

supplied to a process application (heat exchanger, coil, tracer, etc.) the steam vapor releases

the latent energy to the process fluid and condenses to a liquid better known as conden

sate. The condensate contains the sensible energy from the steam vapor. The condensate

can contain as much as 16% of the total energy in the steam vapor depending on the

steam pressures.

One of highest return on investments is to return condensate to the boiler plant. As fuel

costs continue to rise, it is imperative to focus on recovering condensate in all industrial

steam operations.

Condensate contains not only water, but also boiler treatment chemicals and energy that

was transferred during the combustion process in the boiler.

Condensate therefore, needs to be returned to the boiler in order to:

o Improve energy efficiency

o Reduce chemical cost

o Reduce make-up water costs

o Reduce sewer system disposal costs

o Meet environmental regulations

Unfortunately, a large percentage of industrial plants are wasting the condensate from

the steam system and are not taking a proactive step in returning condensate to the boiler

plant. Condensate that is being returned is still losing the thermal energy due to unin

sulated tanks, uninsulated condensate pipe, valves and fittings. The “Best Practice” for

condensate is that all devices in the condensate system are insulated to prevent thermal

energy losses.

If condensate is not returned to the boiler plant, the steam system has to make-up the

loss with cold, untreated, raw water that has to be prepared for the boiler operation.

The preparation of the make-up water has a preparation cost. The make-up water is also

going to contain substantially lower BTU content that has to be raised in the deaerator or

atmospheric feed water heater. This energy addition will add even more cost to the steam

operation. The raw water has to be chemically prepared for the boiler operation, which is

an added cost to the boiler plant operation.

Condensate return tank – Designed to meet

today’s industrial standards.

STEAM SYSTEMSCondensate Return Benchmark

With today’s high energy cost we must return the highest percentage of condensate back

to the boiler plant to be reused in the boiler.

The benchmark for the optimum condensate return percentage is up to 90%. This

benchmark is possible if the plant does not have requirements of direct steam injection

for process applications.

Justification to Return Condensate (Energy Calculations)

Condensate tank totally insulated

Improve Energy Efficiency

Below is an example of a typical operating steam system:

  • Average steam flow

44,000 lbs per hour

  • Cost per MBTU at the plan

$15.30 (unloaded cost)

  • Operation (24 hours /7 day per week) (8760 hours)
  • Operating steam pressure

o Steam temperature

150 psig

o Steam total energy (hg)


  • Makeup water temperature

55ºF (13ºC)

  • Makeup water BTU content (hm)

23 Btu

  • Condensate return temperature

212ºF (100ºC)

  • BTU content of the condensate being returned (hc)


No condensate returned to the boiler plant

  1. (hc – hm) = energy loss per lb
  2. (180.33 – 23) = 157.33 BTU per lb
  3. 44,000 lbs of steam = 44,000 lbs of condensate (90% return) = 39,600 lbs
  4. 39,600 lbs x 157.33 (BTU per lb) = 6,230,268 BTU’s
  5. 6.230268 x $ 15.30 = $ 95.32 (per hour cost)
  6. $ 95.32 x 8,760 (hours in a year) = $ 835,003.20

** $ 835,003.20 per year

The potential savings is based on the amount of energy required to elevate the make-up

water of energy content (sensible energy) to that energy level of condensate being returned

in a gravity designed condensate system. The calculation does not take into account the

savings from chemicals, water and sewer costs. It also does not consider the effect of

bringing back the condensate at higher pressures, resulting in greater savings (See Best

Practice No.8 – High Pressure Condensate Return Systems).

The above is calculated with no condensate being returned to the boiler, but most in

dustrial plants are returning at least a small percentage of condensate. Each plant should

evaluate the cost of failing to return condensate and set forth a roadmap for returning


Condensate tank totally insulated

STEAM SYSTEMSReduce chemical cost

If condensate is returned, then the need for make-up water is reduced. Lowering the quan

tity of required make-up water will result in lower requirements for boiler chemicals.

Reduce make-up water costs

Water costs are rising everywhere and a high percentage of condensate return will reduce

the total make-up water costs.

Reduce sewer system disposal costs

Sewer system costs are directly related to the intake of water. If condensate is not being

returned, the condensate is being drained to the sewer, adding to the cost for processing

the sewer waste.

Meet environmental regulations

Environmental regulations may require drain water to be treated.Condensate returned to

the boiler process reduces the water sent to the drain and the amount of water that falls

under the regulatory control.

Steam leaks are a loss of condensate and energy

What prevents the condensate energy from being returned?

One must understand the issues that prevent the condensate from being returned to the

boiler plant so the plant can establish corrective methods.

     1.Pumping condensate

Select correct condensate pumps with the proper net positive suction head (“NPSH”). A

number of condensate pumps on the market can only permit condensate temperatures of

less than 200ºF (93°C). Condensate temperatures will be close to atmospheric saturation

temperature of 212°F (100°C). Therefore, the condensate pumps must have the proper

NPSH. Failure to design the proper NPSH will result in pump cavitation and damage to the

seals and impeller in a short period of time.

     2.Steam trap issues

Under-sizing and improper installation of steam traps cause the steam traps to malfunction.

Too often a short solution to the problem is to drain the condensate to sewer. Many steam

trap installations have the drain valves open to remove the condensate from the process,

therefore achieving proper temperatures.

   3.Condensate line corrosion

The condensate system will produce carbonic acid as a result of excessive carbon dioxide in

the system. The highest concentration of the carbonic acid will be in the condensate return

lines because carbon dioxide dissolves in cooling condensate. The majority of condensate

lines are installed with schedule 80 steel pipe and threaded connections. The steel will

deteriorate from the condensate corrosion, but the pipe threads are typically more sus

ceptible to deterioration due to corrosion. Slowing the corrosion affects on the system,

plants should use stainless for condensate pipe and valves, and avoid the use of threaded


Steam leaks are a loss of condensate

and energy

Steam blowing to atomsphere – A loss of steam and condensate

    4. Condensate system insulation

Industrial steam system components must be insulated to insure the thermal energy in the

condensate is not lost. Everything in the condensate system over 120 °F (49ºC) should be

insulated. Insulation will also help protect personnel from hot condensate system compo

nents, thus improving plant safety.

  • Condensate lines
  • Condensate tanks
  • Valves
  • Some steam trap types  .


Plants do have leaks from malfunctioning components in the steam and condensate sys

tem, which can contribute to loss of condensate.

   6.Flash steam losses

Flash steam is lost from condensate tank vents that are venting to atmosphere. We have

addressed flash steam losses in Steam Best Practices No. 7 – flash steam.


Condensate is one of the top five items that must be targeted in a steam and condensate

system to reduce energy cost and improve reliability

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